The City of London passed the Residential Rental Units Licensing By-law on September 21, 2009 and it came into effect on March 1st, 2010. The by-law applies to buildings with four or fewer rental units and converted dwellings. The by-law does not apply to a rental unit in an apartment building, a townhouse or a stacked townhouse.
A unit is also exempt if all of the following conditions are met:
the rental unit consitutes the principal residence of the registered owner
the rental unit is temporarily rented by the registered owner for a period of time no greater than 12 consecutive months in any 24 month period
the rental unit was occupied by the registered owner immediately prior to its rental
the registered owner of the rental unit is temporarily living outside of the municipality
the registered owner intends to reoccupy the rental unit upon termination of the temporary rental.
The by-law requires an application form and a self-certification check list be completed for each rental unit. If you are not the owner of the unit, the owner must complete an Owner's Authorization form. The cost is $25 per building per year as of 2010. Of course this fee may go up.
A recent fire inspection (within the past two years - 2008, 2009) is also required. If an inspection has not been completed, the City will accept your licence application and request a fire inspection on your behalf. The Fire Prevention Office will contact you to schedule the inspection. There is no cost for the initial fire inspection but there is a fee for re-inspections.
A copy of the licence is required to be posted inside the front entrance of the rental unit. The maximum fine for not obtaining a licence is $25,000 for an individual and $50,000 for a corporation for the first offence. The fines can be doubled for any subsequent convictions.
Information about how to apply for a Residential Rental Unit Licence, the registration forms and the self-certification check list are now available on the City of London's website: